What happens if I exceed my plans disk space allowance? Print

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cPanel space usage exceeded

Everything in your account adds towards your total space usage. This includes your website files, databases and email. As a cPanel account approaches its full capacity (usually 80%, 90% and 98%), the server will send automatic warning emails to the contact email address that is configured in the Update Contact Info icon. It is important to make sure this email address is external to Hippo's network (e.g. a Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail address), to ensure we can reach you if something goes wrong with your account.

These emails are only sent at each interval once, so it is important you act on them when you receive them.

Once you run out of space, you may not be able to log into your cPanel or webmail accounts. Your website will continue to work normally, provided it does not try to request more space. The only way to unlock your account is to raise a support request so we can add a 50Mb grace allowance. Once this has been done, you should be able to get back in and remove your excess files/mail.

You should notify us once this has been done so that we can remove the grace allowance for you. If you fill up your account plus the grace allowance, then you must either upgrade your account or give us details of files we can remove for you.

Mailbox limit exceeded

As a mailbox approaches its full capacity, the server will send automatic warning emails to the mailbox - usually at 80%, 90%, and 98% capacity. The mailbox quota includes all messages in all of your mail folders (inbox, sent, trash and any others you have created).

If you only use POP3 (which usually automatically removed messages from the server after downloading them), then it is likely your email software has been configured to leave a copy of your messages on the server. Over time this has caused the inbox to fill up with old mail. You can check this by logging in to Webmail - and deleting old messages as necessary to recover space. You may also want to change your email client' settings to delete massages once it has downloaded them to avoid this happening again.

If a mailbox reaches its limit, then the server will defer the delivery of any further messages. Usually, these messages will be stored by our email spam filtering system and then sent on once the over-quota condition has been removed. Either remove some messages from your mailbox using the Email Disk Usage tool or by logging in to Webmail and deleting messages there or increase the email account quota.

Although it is possible to set the email account quota to unlimited - email accounts are included in your overall package limit - so it may be better to set a quota which ensures users remain within your plans disk space allowance.

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