Troubleshooting Email Problems Print

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Email troubleshooting

This guide should help you troubleshoot most email sending and receiving errors for your account. 

1  - Check your login details - This is the most common issue when a user faces send and receive errors and can be easily resolved simply checking your email is correct and the password you used when setting it up within your cpanel account.

You can check this very easily by trying to login to webmail for your domain. We have a separate guide that will walk you through this - How do I log in to my webmail.
If you can log in here then you can be sure your username and password are correct - if not it'll almost certainly mean you're using an incorrect password - you can reset this within cPanel and then re-test.


2 - Check your MX records point to PlanetHippo 

Mail Exchanger or MX records allow mail servers on the internet to find out where to send an email - in order for you to receive an email, your PlanetHippo managed domains your MX records need to point to PlanetHippo mail servers.
In a web browser visit  - this is a third party tool that will report the current MX records for a domain. Type your domain in the box and click the report button:
Scroll down through the resulting report to the MX section - you should see PlanetHippo's MX records. 

If you see anything other than PlanetHippo MX records ( ) it indicates that your email isn't currently being hosted (received by) PlanetHippo mail servers. This may be because it's still pointing at a previous provider, or you're using Gmail or Office365 or another external email service.

3 - Check your ports

When setting up an email client, whether on a PC, Mac or phone you'll need to be sure you're using the right port numbers. Port numbers are used on a server to identify what service you're trying to connect to.
All our email servers require a secure connection - so you'll need to ensure you set up your client to use TLS (often called STARTTLS) is preferred, or SSL if TLS isn't available - often there's a tick box in the settings (or advanced/more detail settings) for this. 


If you're still having issues sending/receiving then please open a support ticket and one of our support team will be more than happy to help.


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