Change your email account password or mailbox quota Print

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Change your email account password or mailbox quota

This article walks you through changing the email password for a cPanel email account or altering the mailbox quota (mailbox size limit).

Changing an email account password

Within the cPanel Email section, click Email Accounts - > Click Manage next to the email address you'd like to change

Then Enter a new password in the New Password field

Click Update email settings to complete the process.

Changing an email account quota

If a user is over quote, you can either have them remove email from their mailbox in their email client or webmail; or you can use the Email Disk Usage tool to prune older emails from the server.

1 - Within the cPanel Email section, click Email Accounts.

2 - Click Manage next to the email address you'd like to change

3 - Change the Storage Space quota or set to unlimited as required. Please note that disk space used by your mailbox counts towards your overall package disk limit.

4 -  Click Update email settings to complete the process


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