
Can I rename my database getting rid of the 'web-' part of the name? Unfortunately this isn't possible as the convention is required for backing up the data on the... How do I connect to my MySQL database from a Perl CGI script? Perl's DBI module provides an interface to MySQL databases for CGI scripts. A commented example... How do I grant permissions to a MySQL standalone user? MySQL standalone users provide additional security in certain advanced applications of database... I have accidently deleted my website/Database We don’t do backups for customer use, but if you require one then it would be £55.00 +VAT. If you... I'm getting SQL errors on MySQL 5 saying it can't find a column - but it's there! 1054 - Unknown column 'a.c' in 'on clause' This can happen if you're doing something like:... Is there a graphical interface available for MySQL? MySQL Workbench is a GUI for MySQL - it can be downloaded from . It... Moodle gives a white page and reports memory issues. Set the following in your php.ini put this in the root of your Moodle installation - this is the... My PHP script gives the error 'Call to undefined function: mysql_connect()' This error is usually caused by unecessary or incorrect directives in a custom php.ini file. We... My script states that the MAX_JOIN_SIZE setting in MySQL set to low. How do I increase it? MySQL will refuse to execute select statements that process a very large number of rows. You... What are the default / allowed privileges for MySQL databases? By default on all MySQL databases the current privileges are given - SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE,... What is the maximum MySQL database size permitted? MySQL databases may take up to 500MB of space. Why am I getting a host blocked with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' error? Errors such as:- Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock...
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